Stubborn belly fat,HAIKU, THE SECOND
you clinging (but shrunken) rolls,
oh, how you mock me!
(Un)dearest fat cells:HAIKU, THE THIRD
You're no longer welcome here!
Flee my gut at once!
Fat, you've been sentenced:
Death by interval training!
Hill's? Sprints? You're soooo dead.
Three miles today, fat.HAIKU, THE FIFTH
Up and down the same damn hill
Didn't I warn you?
The fat laughs last, though.
Legs are rubbery puddles.
Hill work is no joke.
*It's worth noting that these "poems" are best enjoyed in the spirit of the worst of the beat poetry from So I Married an Axe Murderer:
Catherine Elcik is running her first marathon to raise money for a scholarship fund for Grub Street, Inc, and independent writing center in Boston, MA. Sponsor the run at www.firstgiving.com/runforgrub.
Oh wonderful! An absolute riot. Thanks for these, lady.